A Strong Cat That Likes To Jump
In my house, there are two javanese cats. I don't like this cat because it likes to destroy and can' Read more
Javanese Cat is a breed of cat that crosses between a Balinese cat and a short-haired cat. Some claim this Javanese cat comes from a cross between Balinese, Siamese, Colorpoint Shorthair, and Oriental Longhair cats. From the cross, this cat breed has long fur, blue eyes, a complex, muscular body, and likes to climb and jump.
Common Name
Colorpoint Longhair, Balinese, Javi, Oriental Longhair
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Felis catus
Felis Catus
In my house, there are two javanese cats. I don't like this cat because it likes to destroy and can' Read more
Product Offers for Javanese Cat Care: ACANA Bountiful Catch, or find other offers here